"tchi" sound
gente (gentchi) - people
pente (pentchi) - comb
dente (dentchi) - tooth
contente (contentchi) - glad
quente (quentchi) - hot
"dgi" sound
de (dgi) - of / from
dia (dgia) - day
demais (dgimais) - too much
dizer (dgizer) - to say
distrair (dgistrair) - to distract
refrigerante (soda) = re - fri - ge - ran - te (tchi) - ran (stressed)
restaurante (restaurant) = res - tau - ran - te (tchi) - ran (stressed)
caipirinha (Brazilian drink)= cai-pi-ri-nha - rin(stressed)
cerveja (beer) = cer - ve - já - ve (stressed)
churrasco (barbecue) = chur - ras - co - chur (r soundless)/ ras (stressed)
farofa (manioc wheat,etc) = fa - ro - fa - ro (stressed)
feijão (beans) = fei - jão - jão (stressed)
salada (salad) = sa - la - da - la (stressed)
sobremesa (dessert) = so - bre - me - sa - me (stressed)
conta (bill) = con - ta - con (stressed)